A payday loan is an emergency loan offered from a cash advance company for people who need money fast and easy. Payday lenders do not go through the hassle of credit checks or tons of paperwork, and they do not make you wait days to see if your loan is approved. You can have the money you need within the same day, or by the next business day. At We Give Loans, cash advance loans can be approved using over 300 lenders, so it's almost guaranteed that they will find the right one for your needs.
At We Give Loans, you can be approved for a cash advance for between $100 and $1000 within minutes of applying. This money is usually deposited into the borrower's checking account the very same day, or the next business day. The length of the payday loan is generally two weeks or less, until the person has their next payday. Then, We Give Loans will take out the money that was borrowed, plus all applicable fees, from the customer's checking account on the day of their pay.
It is very easy to apply and to receive a cash advance with We Give Loans. The information that will need to be given is one's name, address and telephone number, as well as an email address. A checking or saving account number will need to be provided, and the borrower will need to have at the very least $800 in income per month. Information about the borrower's identity will be asked for. All personal information will be handled with privacy, according to the laws of the USA Patriot Act. We Give Loans will also need the bank's routing and account number, so that the money lent can be directly deposited into the checking account of the borrower.
There are many reasons that an individual may need to borrow money from We Give Loans. Emergency car repairs, groceries, unpaid bills and more are just a few reasons to get a cash advance. Often, the fees associated with a cash advance are less than late charges on utility or credit card bills. However, a cash advance loan should be paid off as quickly as possible. These loans are meant for a short term solution only, and should not be used again and again, or fees can really start to mount up.
We Give Loans also offers other services in their company. You can apply for hundreds of different credit card right through the company, in the United States and Canada. More than 400 credit card offers can be perused, and customers can compare them side by side. The best part is that since you are filling out applications online, your cards are approved right away and shipped within days.
The best part of selecting a credit card through We Give Loans is that after you select a card category that you want, the company will show you at least six cards that match your needs, side by side. This way, you can easily see what each one's fees are, their terms, late charges, limits ad other important information about them. This service is free, and you can apply for as many cards as you want. Later, this credit card will be the one that your money will be debited from later.
Online home loan services are another service that We Give Loans offer through their website, www.wegiveloans.com. These are offered to citizens of the United States and Canada. If you are trying to refinance your house, purchase a house, or trying to receive a line of credit through home equity, you have the ability to utilize over 400 loan lenders on the website. The process is simple and convenient, and results are almost instant as to whether you are approved or not.
Using the online application form on www.wegiveloans.com is fast and easy. Simply fill out what you need to borrow and the company will then match up home loan providers according to your needs. All services are kept private and confidential, and your personal information is never sold or given away to another company.
It's easy, safe and secure to apply for a cash advance loan with We Give Loans. To apply, simply go to their website at www.wegiveloans.com. However, if you prefer, you can speak to a friendly and knowledgeable representative by calling 1-800-985-5110. You can also send them an email by clicking on the Contact Us tab and filling out their email form.